May 12, 2017 will be the second time that the statue of “Our Lady of Fatima will visit the United Nations. May 13 is the 100th anniversary celebration of the Fatima apparitions. The first visit of the statue to the UN was in 1952.
Fatima is the place in Portugal where three shepherd children saw some supernatural visions in 1917 purported to be messages from the Virgin Mary describing end-time events and the recipe for peace in the world. Catholics revere and worship “Our Lady of Fatima.” Thousands of visitors come to Fatima each year on pilgrimages. Three popes have already visited Fatima, Paul VI, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI. And on May 13, Pope Francis will visit Fatima and canonize two of the three visionaries as saints.
During the May 12 event at the United Nations, entitled, “The Centenary of Fatima and the Enduring Relevance of Its Message of Peace,” speakers including Ambassador Alvaro Mendonca e Moura, permanent representative of Portugal to the UN, and Archbishop Bernardito Auza, apostolic nuncio and permanent observer of the Holy See to the UN will focus on the message of peace. Johnnette Benkovic, founder and president of EWTN’s Women of Grace, highlighted the significance of the statue traveling to the UN. “Its purpose is to promote a message of peacemaking and peace building in light of Our Lady of Fatima and her messages to the children in 1917,” she said.
“As she [Our Lady] came to the world through her apparitions to the shepherd children, the 100th anniversary of which will be celebrated the following day, she ‘comes again’ to remind the people of the world that the message is the same – that peace and hope and solidarity are possible through Heaven’s plan,” she said. “We are in tenuous times and the Blessed Mother’s message to the world through the Fatima shepherd children is more relevant and important than ever,” Benkovic added.
“I believe it is God’s will that every nation in the world, in a way unique to its people and culture, would seek to establish a civilization of love by infusing family life, communities, institutions, organizations and governmental agencies with moral truth according to the commandments of God and the teachings of the Church,” she said. Notice that the emphasis is all on Mary, not on Christ. Notice also, that though the commandments of God and mentioned, they are really of no significance in light of the graven image that will be visiting the UN in New York.
Rome seeks influence at the UN. Bringing this famous Catholic statue to New York to such a world-wide organization, will provide a high-profile opportunity for the Papacy to gain credibility among the leaders and representatives of the nations. By profiling the statue which is revered by millions, it supports the Catholic Church’s influence at the United Nations through the masses of people who live in the countries these leaders represent.
“When all the people heard the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and all kinds of musick, all the people, the nations, and the languages, fell down and worshipped the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.” Dan. 3:7.
History will be repeated. False religion will be exalted…..Foreign nations will follow the example of the United States. Though she leads out, yet the same crisis will come upon our people in all parts of the world. Maranatha. 215