Pope Francis has urged Methodist and Waldensian Churches to continue to walk together with the Catholic Church on the path towards full Christian unity pointing out that in a world lacerated by violence and fear it is all the more important to live and to convey the Christian message of welcome and fraternity. The Pope’s words of friendship and closeness came in a message on Monday to the annual Synod of the Italian Methodist and Waldensian Churches taking place in Torre Pellice – near Turin – from 20 to 25 August.
Recalling recent encounters between the Churches and a shared celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, the Pope said “May Jesus’ gaze brighten our relationship so that it is never just formal or proper, but fraternal and lively.” “The Good Shepherd – he continued – wants us to walk together and his gaze embraces all of his disciples whom He wants to see fully united.”
Francis also said that to walk towards full unity… is all the more important today, “in a world scarred by violence and fear, by wounds and indifference…
The Waldensians joined the Methodists in Italy in 1975 and now blesses same-gender couples. At the Synod some 180 representatives of the Methodist and Waldensian Churches in Italy will decide on Church programmers for the coming year, and elect their executive and administrative bodies.
The prophecy of the Revelation is being fulfilled, that “all the world wondered after the beast.” Men in their blindness boast of wonderful progress and enlightenment; but to the eye of Omniscience are revealed the inward guilt and depravity. Revelation 13:3, 6T 14.3
Source References
Pope encourages Methodists and Waldensians to walk path to full Christian unity