Donald Trump’s top spiritual adviser has claimed that opposing his presidency is like ‘fighting against the hand of God.’
Paula White was speaking on a U.S. Christian TV channel when she made the comments. Paula White was talking about people who have blasted Trump over the decisions he’s made during his first few months in the Oval Office.
Referring to Mr. Trump’s critics, she said: “And they even say about him: ‘He’s not presidential.’ Thank goodness, thank goodness!” as the studio audience cheered. “And I mean that with all due respect. Because, in other words, he’s not a polished politician.”
“In other words, he’s authentically – whether people like it or not – has been raised up by God. Because God says that he raises up and places all people in places of authority. It is God that raises up a king, it is God that sets one down and so when you fight against the plan of God, you’re fighting against the hand of God.”
Ms. White preaches prosperity gospel to TV audiences and her megachurch in Tampa, Florida. During the program, Mr. Bakker went on to boast about Paula White’s access to the president, claiming she was able to walk into the White House whenever she chooses to.
Trump claims to be a Protestant, but has not regularly attended church since he has been made president. But despite his apparent lack of commitment to religion, Mr. Bakker said: “God’s shaking America, people, and it’s time. You better be ready, because we’re going to have the harvest time. It’s honestly going to be the greatest time.”
“In the last conflict the Sabbath will be the special point of controversy throughout all Christendom. Secular rulers and religious leaders will unite to enforce the observance of the Sunday; and as milder measures fail, the most oppressive laws will be enacted.” Maranatha, page 188.
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