Prison Ministry

It would be unsafe to take to heaven, persons who claim to be Christ’s servants, yet neglect to visit those who are in prison.–But God’s law plainly reveals to us the duty of man to his fellow man. All who neglect their fellow creatures–the very least of those whom Christ calls His brethren–are recorded in the books of heaven as “weighed in the balances” and “found wanting.” In disregarding His special commandment, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself;” in passing by the suffering, the needy, and the wounded, they have left the side of Christ, their example, and taken the side of the enemy of God. In neglecting to clothe the naked, to feed the hungry, to visit those who are in prison, they show what spirit they are of. It would not be safe for such characters to enter heaven; for by their selfishness and hard-heartedness, by their failure to appreciate their brethren here, they plainly reveal the fact that they could not appreciate God, His Son, or the saints in the kingdom of heaven.

PaM 141.1