In the weeks after a US air force veteran murdered 26 people with a gun he should not have been able to buy, thousands of records that barred dishonorably discharged service members from buying guns were suddenly added to the country’s background check system.
Officials quietly added more than 4,000 dishonorable discharge records to the system over the three months since 5 November 2017, during the course of an investigation by the air force and the Department of Defense’s inspector general. The investigation centers on the air force’s failure to report a domestic violence conviction that should have barred Devin Kelley, an air force veteran, from buying the rifle he used to kill dozens of people and injure dozens more at a tiny church in Sutherland Springs, Texas.
When man transgressed the divine law, his nature became evil, and he was in harmony, and not at variance, with Satan. The Great Controversy Page 505
Source References
Military added 4000 veterans to gun ban list after Texas church shooting