Visakhapatnam all prepped up to become the ‘first cashless city’ in the world over the next 12 months, says the city’s newspaper Yo! Vizag. After Paytm set up its office there, the Visa network is collaborating with the Andhra Pradesh government to implement it. They are currently developing a blueprint for the transition. The government, private offices, retail businesses and more as a part of the ‘Project Digital Sankalp’ will now promote cashless transactions. Visa will meet with senior government officials and other stakeholders to kick start the project. Events already lined up over the next twelve months will drive payment digitalization, build digital payment capability, nurture start-ups and promote boot camps and hackathons. Visa will also set up a steering committee to turn Visakhapatnam into a model to be used in other places. A team of consultants will be guiding the steering committee. Visakhapatnam will partner with corporations, public organizations, government agencies and even the railway. Pushing the Indian nation into a cashless society is ramping up rapidly. Perhaps one day it will become the leading cashless nation. Once the world is cashless, globalists will achieve their aim and can implement a global religion with its economic penalties for non-compliance with religious laws.
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:17