Conservativism, therefore, defines what it means to be “remnant” the remaining part of the old-original. On the other hand, Compromise begins with a shift in theological/doctrinal orientation along the following lines:

1. Liberals: who arrogantly presume to adopt Higher-Critical with philosophical methods of Bible Study in order to prove their theological scholarship, who seek to harmonize biblical truth with contemporary, popular ideologies of religion, culture and science, who always have a self-imposed burden of seeking after some new Light that more often than not, would effectively undermine the faith of our “fathers”, and who are too doubtful, skeptical and self-confident that it becomes almost responsible for God to use them for any meaningful venture.

Unfortunately, though fewer in number but most influential, the Liberals have invaded God’s “remnant “Church, the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. They are strongly enthroned at the General Conference, they have their headquarters in our hitherto finest seminaries or theological institutes, they have besieged our publishing houses, they have infiltrated our church policies, they are always represented in our top-ranking administrative offices, committees and institutions. But the gates of hell shall not prevail against God’s Church. Matt. 16:18

2.The Accommodationists and Progressives – who, in the hateful guise of humility, honesty, civility and tolerance, diplomacy, peace-loving, patience and understanding, betray their sacred trust by their

persistent presumption, cowardice ambition and internal/covert compromises; like Aaron (the elder brother of Moses) their father, they allow the “tares” among God’s people, especially of the rich, powerful and influential class, to corrupt them, and many of whom are tares” sown by the Devil from the very beginning of their ministry. Matt.13:24-30

Very unfortunately, majority of leaders, pastors, theologians, elders and members belong to this category. Why? How!

And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Rev. 12:17

Satan, the Dragon, is enraged against God’s “Remnant” “Church and seeks to accomplish his “war” against “the remnant of her seed” “by the same means by which he overthrew the pure Apostolic Church: that is, by creeping, subtle and entrenched Compromise. The most effective strategy of Satan to usurp the headship of God’s true Church through the ages has always been Compromise.

History tends to repeat itself: After the death of the Apostles, the early Christian Church suffered terribly from persecution by the civil authorities of pagan Rome. While the “white horse” of Rev. 6 represented the pure Apostle Church, the “red” horse represented the persecuted Church (Rev.6:4). But it was soon discovered that persecution only served to purify the Church by separating the fearful and unfaithful “believers from the fearless, faithful “believers.

The unfaithful believers, however, began the trend of compromise by seeking to dissociate themselves from the Jews who were the real enemies of Rome. They did this by changing their day of worship from Saturday (the true Sabbath, as kept by the Jews) to Sunday under the guise of holding a religious ceremony to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus. Between the second and fifth century, the exact period represented in Rev. 6:5 as the “black horse”, the influence of Sunday was rising, but almost everywhere throughout the Roman Empire Christians continued observing the Seventh day Sabbath. Socrates, who was a fifth century historian wrote and stated that, as the influence of Sunday increased, during the fourth and fifth century many Christians worshipped on both Sabbath and Sunday. Almost all the churches throughout the world celebrated the mysteries on the Sabbath every week, yet the Christians of Alexandria and at Rome, on account of some ancient tradition, have ceased to do this. (Socrates, “Ecclesiastical History”, book 5, chapter 22, volume two, page 132).