Have you ever wondered how interest groups put pressure on Congress? They do it with accusations and threats. Consider a recent conference call of conservative leaders from Club for Growth, Family Research Council, Tea Party Patriots, ForAmerica, FreedomWorks and Senate Conservatives fund. They demanded that “traitorous” Republican senators who refused to vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) keep their promise to the American people.
“Traitorous senators…they need to repeal Obamacare,” said Tea Party Patriots Co-founder Jenny Beth Martin. “…It seems to be really easy for these senators and their staff to sit in Washington and be exempt from Obamacare…it is completely unjust to live exempt from the law, while others suffer because of the law.” The conservative leaders were intending to pressure Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Sen. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. Sen. Collins was the only Republican senator to vote against repealing Obamacare in 2015.
“My guess is that Republicans in Congress have pledged to repeal Obamacare well over a million times in the past 8 years,” said Brent Bozell, ForAmerica Chairman. “If they don’t deliver, absolutely guaranteed, they’ll be thrown out of the majority. Absolutely guaranteed.”
“I agree with the folks who said this is one of those watershed votes that will have repercussions for the three Republican senators for years to come,” said David McIntosh, President of Club for Growth. “There is no reason not to act… all the members will suffer, the Republican majority will suffer, as well,” said Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council. “We urge the senators to move forward with the repeal bill that was passed in 2015.”
“They’re being exposed as frauds,” said Bozell. “If the American people had the slightest appetite for these liberals, John Kasich would be President right now,” he added. Vice President of Legislative Affairs for FreedomWorks Jason Pye announced that FreedomWorks would be giving out a new award as a response to Republicans’ failure to repeal the ACA, called the “Freedom Traitors Award.” He said it would be delivered, along with busts of Benedict Arnold (an American general who defected to the British army in the War for Independence) to the offices of “Senators who refuse to vote for the repeal.”
“This has been the number one issue for conservative grass roots for seven years and then some…” said Ken Cuccinelli President of the Senate Conservatives Fund this is a vote a whole election can turn on. If we can recruit good conservative challengers to these Obamacare Republicans, we will challenge them,” he added. “We will be targeting areas with Obamacare Republicans.”
Many of these conservatives are evangelicals and other religious people who view “Obamacare” as offensive to morals, expensive and unjustified control. As the religious right gains more power, watch for more pressure on a variety of issues to be placed on Congress. As they do, and as they gain more experience, refining their tactics, they will eventually put pressure on Congress to enact religious worship laws.
“In the last conflict, the Sabbath will be the special point of controversy throughout all Christendom. Secular rulers and religious leaders will unite to enforce the observance of the Sunday; and as milder measures fail, the most oppressive laws will be enacted.” Maranatha, page 188.
Source References
Conservative Leaders Demand ‘Traitorous’ Republicans Keep Their Promise to Repeal Obamacare