A record number of Australians enrolled to vote ahead of the upcoming postal survey on same-sex marriage. Electoral Commission figures show that 90,000 mostly young voters (2/3) joined the role since August 8, when the survey was announced.
Same-sex marriage advocates were delighted while it alarmed Coalition MPs (who are mostly against same-sex marriage) because they believe that the youth vote will come back to bite them at the next election. A further 675,000 people updated their electoral details. New voters could easily exceed 100,000 once all transactions have been processed. Same-sex marriage advocates held a two-week recruitment drive during the enrollment period to ensure young, progressive Australians were correctly enrolled to vote.
Equality Campaign executive director Tiernan Brady, who had predicted a “late surge,” said the result reflected “the most successful enrolment campaign in the history of federation… This was about people not being complacent,” he said. “People aren’t going to sit back – they’re going to stand up for their friends.”
Mr. Brady, who also ran the campaign for same-sex marriage in Ireland, championed the “yes” campaign in Australia. A “yes” campaign spokesman for the Coalition for Marriage said: “We are looking forward to engaging with all registered voters on the consequences of redefining marriage for all Australians.”
Meanwhile, Australia’s most prominent gay businessman, Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce, pledged to donate “a significant amount” to the campaign’s coffers. “I personally will be donating money to the campaign, a significant amount, because I’m passionate about it,” he said. “I’ll be spending as much time as the campaign wants me to speaking about the cause and why this is important.”
Some Liberals fear the government has “shot itself in the foot” by fostering a process that encouraged young, progressive voters to enroll.
Unless a High Court challenge to the legality of the postal survey is successful, the Australian Bureau of Statistics will mail out survey forms starting September 12.
It seems like Australia is also headed for same-sex marriage in the name of equality, so many other western nations.
As it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. Luke 17:26
I was shown that a terrible condition of things exists in our world. The angel of mercy is folding her wings, ready to depart. The law of God is made void. We see and hear of confusion and perplexity, want and famine, earthquakes and floods; terrible outrages will be committed by men; passion, not reason, bears sway. The wrath of God is upon the inhabitants of the world, who are fast becoming as corrupt as were the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. Already fire and flood are destroying thousands of lives and the property that has been selfishly accumulated by the oppression of the poor. The Lord is soon to cut short His work and put an end to sin. Oh, that the scenes which have come before me of the iniquities practiced in these last days, might make a deep impression on the minds of God’s professing people. Maranatha – Page 138
‘Extraordinary’: 100,000 new voters join electoral roll as last-minute surge buoys ‘yes’ campaign